Democracy’s Threat

Trump will, very likely, be elected in November due in no small part to the antiquated electoral college, a highly conservative reflex among a large block of cultish or cult-like Republicans, an inept commercialized journalistic media, and the way our systems for voter information are so poorly organized—that is to say almost exclusively organized on…


Micro-credentials are in the news and higher education is being challenged to modify tradition to comply with realities of the workforce as it responds to economic progress across multiple new advancements and disruptions from innovative technologies. It turns out that the trend is not entirely new. Innovation in higher education is too often bete noire….



One of the biggest barriers to self-directed education is access to the materials and media as well as the advice about where, when and how to develop cogent, useful skills, reliable knowledge and positive, productive attitudes. It is fully within my philosophy of education that access should never, ever be too costly for anyone, anywhere,…

Science, Religion & Politics

Religion and politics are often proscribed topics wherever accord is valued. A result is that we don’t grapple well with the deep challenges of either, remaining comfortable with superficiality. A solid conversation on either is fraught by deficiencies of skill and knowledge and warped by unhealthy attitudes. Science has become like politics and religion in…


Every essay or blog—or conversation—begins with a Blank Page that is trying to talk to me and you about an important topic at the intersection of our interests. Mine for this blog is generally ecology, economics and education. T.G.I.F. Any Day will only get to Take a Great Idea Forward when it evokes thinking and…

Tina Stavredes, PhD

A long and valued acquaintance died January 3rd, 2024. Dr. Stavredes was a preeminent advocate for quality online teaching and I am proud to say that my role in her many career choices was important. Tina met biology at Normandale Community College attending an introductory course for non majors, which I always enjoyed teaching in…

Happy New Year (?)*

Politics will likely dominate 2024 and hardly be happy. We should all hope that by this time a year from now we will have seen a renewal of our commitment to democracy. Donald Trump must be decisively defeated in his attempt to regain the presidency. He has proved beyond a shadow of doubt tht he…

Cradle to Cradle

Education is lifelong … Remaking the way we make things should apply to education and the multitude of environments in which education exists and functions.

Cost of a Car

I have applications on my iPhone for Lyft and Uber but find myself reluctant to use either service; using instead a rather lame excuse that they are too expensive. Then the other day an old friend commented about his “new” car. Not new, but nevertheless a luxury vehicle with around 7,000 miles. The negotiated price…

Mining Responsibly

I just finished reading this article from Business North, and immediately thought you would appreciate seeing this recent development following our LSBF efforts so many years ago. The mention of “responsible” mining in the second paragraph should be enough to encourage reading what follows. MiningMinnesota, a trade advocacy group based in the arrowhead region of…