Category: Education

Accidental Education

Education’s Ecology demands new thinking. Thinking must be outside the boxes we too casually call school, classroom, curriculum, psychology and childhood. These boxes are accidental habits of mind. As long as you keep thinking in terms of schools, there will never be adequate space for reform of education. That is because schools impose a way…

Top Down

The Minnesota Education Amendment is troubling and unlikely to achieve its objective of closing the so-called GAPs.

Community Education

The foundation for community education is the neighborhoods of connected communities. The power of a neighborhood is its compact and relatively small size of less than ~250 people. Within a neighborhood there exists the power of many small groups that are much like X-Teams and share externally oriented knowledge through distributed leadership. Everyone feels and…


An exciting educational software that is both powerful and free.

School Futures

Schools dominate our systems of education. But schools are not an essential system. In the absence of schools, education would still go on but it would be very different from we now, almost universally conceive to be “education.” It is imperative that society take a step back from schools and schooling to explore alternatives and…

Ecopoetry; Another Truth?

What is TRUTH? Maybe it is ONLY what mathematics does and what mathematicians decide through exhaustive argument. If so, what part of mathematics is absolute truth and what is tentative truth. What is close enough? Statistics, after all, is our way of dealing with uncertainty. Is something true, if you don’t understand it; cannot explain…

STEM is not …

STEM is not STEaM or STEaMie. STEM is reserved for corporate workforce development. There is no room at the top for Art in STEAM or Including Everyone in STEAMIE. STEM is first and always elite. Pass a year or two of college calculus if you want admission to anything beyond third grade. Of course that…

Video Connecting

There is a lot going on in the video conferencing space. Some of it is malicious hacking (cracking) into video meetings and the linkages are a vulnerable entry point for mischief. With schools I suspect that there is some rebellion not materially different than when we were in high school. I know all of you…

The Wall

I’m not talking here about the wall across the US-Mexican border. What I will talk about is the barrier that has long existed in the US regarding the use of public funds for private schools. My inclination is to argue that the maintenance of this funding wall is essential for education’s future reform. I hold…

School Athletics

Making sure athletes in college are maintaing an adequate grade point average has long been supported by tutors employed by the athletic department. Now it has been reported by EdWeek that a school district near Cincinnati has followed the college example for high school athletes. It might be hard to object to this extraordinary effort…