School Athletics

Making sure athletes in college are maintaing an adequate grade point average has long been supported by tutors employed by the athletic department. Now it has been reported by EdWeek that a school district near Cincinnati has followed the college example for high school athletes. It might be hard to object to this extraordinary effort…


The following paragraphs may provide an explanation for dialogue. In conversation I frequently make a reference to dialogue and make a distinction between dialogue and discussion. Dialogue is a learning conversation between two or more people. Learning conversations are based on each party seeking information and a new level of understanding. This is greatly facilitated…


Action to Make a Difference Years back, I read about a modestly important author, actually a lawyer as I recall, who wrote a couple of novels while waiting for his wife to get dressed for social events. Using those bits of time that crop up almost daily could fuel a revolution if enough people used…

Growing Biology

Here’s what I’ve been reading and thinking about this past week. I suppose that if I am labeling myself as a writer, it is incumbent to show some of the writing, which I do, way too occasionally, on my Blog TGIF Any Day. I hope you will follow some of what is below. Your feedback…

Public Science Cafe

Education’s Ecology knows no bounds. Experience and engagement are primary but vicarious glimpses into the work of scientists is not only enlightening but may be motivational. At least it can provide insight about the thinking that goes into good science. Public Science Cafes are a path that anyone can follow. Science on Tap in Ashland…

Economics & Education

Over the past two years there has been precious little that has been published in my new iteration of the blog: TGIF Any Day . That Blog continues to strive for a good look at the busy intersection of economics and ecology with continuing concerns for for the role of education in life. Recently I…

Echoing Green

“We are told over and over again these days that the economy is the bottom line. But as a biologist this never made any sense to me. It is the biosphere that is the source of everything that matters because it is the health of the biosphere,including the water, soil and air we all breath,…

Earth Day

There may be no more magnificent photographs than those of Earth from outer space. Humans had to travel to space to see Earth in all of its awesome majesty and its delicate vulnerability. The venture in space for a few was an education for all. We were changed by the image of the little blue…

Earth’s Spirit

Today is a holiday that honors a blind belief for over a billion people of the planet. Wedded to a great myth about life and the reality of death, today is an attempt to obscure the end of being with hope that there is no end of life, only a transformation or transcendence from bodily…

Firearms Deaths

Arguments for gun control are not making any headway for sane policy in the United States. We don’t necessarily love our guns (sure there are exceptions where owning a gun or collection of guns is an obsession not unlike obsession over another person of the same or opposite sex) but we tolerate the presence of…